The development of professional competences and adaptation to rapidly changing realities have become not only desirable, but vital for modern medical professionals.

The competence of a specialist (special professional knowledge and skills) is divided into instructional and social one. The first one includes the ability to accumulate, organise and share experience, while the second one is the agility to rapidly changing social conditions. The competence in its turn is defined as a measure of mastery. Professional competence includes informational, moral, cognitive and creative, informational and communicative, as well as technological components. This journal in your hands is a perfect opportunity to develop your professional competence. In an attempt to broaden the horizons of things that seem to be familiar, this issue of the newsletter presents new views on the use of intra-articular therapy for "non-traditional" localisations under the Global Experience and Treatment Practice headings. To strengthen information competence, the results of a consensus of rheumatologists on the use of viscosupplementation therapy are presented. In addition, the cognitive and creative component is continuously being developed in our Hobby column.
Issue 41
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