Local injection therapy is a key component when treating inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the joints, spine and soft tissues.
Extensive clinical studies on this topic are regularly conducted around the world.
We have decided to structure scientific data, accumulate the experience of leading practitioners, doctors and candidates of medical sciences and held three expert councils on the specifics of hyaluronic acid, polynucleotides and tropocollagen type for the treatment of the musculoskeletal system disorders. In this issue you will find three consensus papers summarising the discussion results with the verification of algorithms for local injection therapy of various orthopedic pathologies. In this issue we have also continued the good tradition of introducing doctor ambassadors of local injection therapy products, who become a lodestar for colleagues with their experience and daily practice making a qualitative difference in medicine and, as a consequence, in the lives of patients. You will hear about their professional journey, memorable clinical cases and sources of inspiration straight from the horse's mouth.
Issue 49
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